Meet Paige!
If you pop in to Intrigue these days, you are more than likely to be greeted by the smiling face of the newest addition to the Intrigue family, Paige Erberle. We are thrilled to have her, and once you get to know her a little bit better, you will know why Paige is a perfect fit for our odd little slice of Main Street.
Paige grew up in Coeur d’Alene and was lured to Moscow by the University of Idaho theater program where she would go on to earn her BFA in Theater Performance. While there, Paige worked at the dearly departed Bloom for four years, cultivating a much-needed community outside of her college peers.When Bloom closed, Paige was left not only without a job, but also lacking a key source of camaraderie and support.
As luck would have it, Paige’s partner spotted our help wanted sign and encouraged Paige to apply. Paige was a natural fit from the very beginning. Her customer service skills translated perfectly from the restaurant to the shop, and Paige’s dedication to building and serving her community align nicely with Intrigue’s values, as well.
“I love being able to hear people’s stories, what’s going on their life,” Paige says. “It’s easy to look at people from a distance, to not really interact, so whenever someone blesses me with a cool story, I am so very grateful.” Paige attributes her love of story in part to her studies, but it also comes from a natural curiosity about the experiences of the people around her. “I want to make people feel special and heard,” Paige comments on how storytelling builds community.
Paige is an excellent storyteller in her own right, and she prides herself on being able to tell visitors the tales behind many of Intrigue’s items. “I’m a big earing girl, so I really appreciate that most of our earrings and other jewelry are from women-led businesses,” Paige says, pointing to Boise’s Fluff Hardware in particular. She is also enamored with the Cada Johnson’s Prayer Flags, saying, “People are immediately drawn to the love and care that obviously go into the flags, but the artist’s statement is really important and puts the work in a whole new perspective.” The idea of perspective is near and dear to Paige, as well, and is born from her love for mythology and folklore and the universal experiences to which they speak. She keeps a book of Celtic myths behind the counter for the slower times, and we highly suggest you ask her about them. Paige’s fascination for these transcendental themes extend to her belief in universal archetypes, “I love to delve deep into [archetypes], how they pertain to everything in our lives. We are all kind of acting in a play as people,‘living in a dream’ so to speak, and I think a lot of folks would be surprised how important that is to me and how comforting I find this way of thinking.” Paige continues, “It shifts the focus of meaning to your everyday life, those people closest to you, and allows you to disengage from the meaninglessness you cannot control. No one needs to take everything so seriously, themselves in particular.”
Outside of work, Paige and her partner are in the early stages of developing a short film project, most likely inspired by their shared interest in folklore and Arthurian legends. Paige is also one of those rare souls who would love to hear all about your dreams, as she moonlights as a dream analyst informed by the works of Carl Jung.
So whether you would like a stimulating conversation about the very nature of existence, advice on the meaning of your recurring dreams, or to hear the story behind your new favorite pair of earrings, Paige has got you covered.