Stupid Bird Book Review:
The Field Guide to Dumb Birds of North America
by Matt Kracht
The author claims to be a "professional birding amateur" which sums up the irreverent quality of this tongue-in-cheek book written and illustrated by an obvious bird lover. Mr. Kracht was introduced to amateur ornithology in fourth grade and "has never gotten over the trauma".
The birds are divided into seven chapters, including backyard assholes, egotists and show offs, and fuckers. Everything about the book is meant to evoke giggles, including his colorful rough sketches of each bird.
The author includes tips for bird watching, such as where to look for them, including ..."In your backyard because "birds are too stupid to tell the difference between your backyard and nature". He also describes bird parts in an equally silly way.
Each bird gets an altered and often X-rated name with the commonly used name listed below. Here is a sampling: Tufted Titface ("Stupid gray face on its stupid gray head"), Western Meadowjerk (" is the state bird of like 6 states you wouldn't want to live in"), Fucking Pigeon ("..they are fucking everywhere, shitting on everything"), Motherfucking Bald Eagle, ("..this is the best motherfucking bird there is. Period.") and the American Redfart, ("..I think we can all agree, nobody wants redfarts").
I believe most serious bird-brains would prefer other guide books on their bird-watching forays, leaving this one for bedside reading or the morning constitutional. I was given this book twice as a gift (hint, hint)....Light-hearted reading in a heavy-hearted world.
Reviewed by Antone G. Holmquist