Children’s Book Reviews
Click below to read the full reviews of all the children’s books at Intrigue!
Stay tuned for more additions to the growing collection.
I’m A Baked Potato!
Written by Elise Primavera
Illustrated by Juana Medina
I’m A Baked Potato! takes us on an adventure with a little dog, who thinks he is a baked potato, as he tries to find his way home. The little baked potato meets other dogs, foxes and owls that teach him about himself and the world around him.
Tiny, Perfect Things
Written by Elise Primavera
Illustrated by Juana Medina
Tiny, Perfect Things is a beautiful picture book that takes readers along on a walk shared between a grandfather and his granddaughter. As they walk together they look for small things that make the world beautiful, like yellow leaves, spider webs, and moonlight. They explore the beauty of nature and the world around them.
Papa, Do You Love Me?
Written by Barbara M. Joosse
Illustrated by Barbara lavallee
Papa, Do You Love Me? is a tender story following the questions a child, Tender Heart, asks his father. His simple questions allow the audience to explore another culture, both through words and illustrations. They go through every question Tender Heart asks, his father reacting lovingly and patiently. The focus of the book is the bond between child and parent.
Everyone Poops
Written and Illustrated by
Tarō Gomi
Everyone Poops hows how creatures throughout the animal world, including humans, deal with the products of digestion.